Friday, September 01, 2006


Wednesday's Demonstration and McCarthy "Have you no sense of decency, sir?"

I decided to attend the rally on Wednesday after reading the headlines in the Salt Lake Tribune. Once again "protesters" were being labeled as "anti Americans". Those who voice their disagreement with the Presidents policy on the war are "aiding and abetting the enemy".

In my understanding of the protest, the message includes protesting against the President's policies of "Heckofajob", the failing economy, the lies, and the blind indifference to the poor. "It's not just the war, stupid"; to paraphrase James Carville.
I don’t have the time right now to go into detail, but here are some of my impressions:

Lots of varied reasons for people to be there; lots of Veterans who don’t glamorize war.

Walking with Stuart, who was holding a Veteran for Peace sign.

Several people came up to him during the day to thank him for his service to our country.

Being against the war and For the soldier.

Kissing the Marine in Full Dress Uniform protesting the Bush Administration and the Bush war.

Lots of young people

Lots of well dressed people.Rocky, the crowd in the palm of his hands for the first half hour...“We want the truth”!

Honking and Waving in support by people in Subarus, Volvos and Priuses.

Walking up State Street, turning around and seeing the street filled with people.

Knowing that the rest of the world won’t be fooled by the neo-red baiters who say that all these thousands of people are Al Quaida supporters...even in the reddest of red States.

That was the best part- the brave people who showed up to tell the truth, at the cost of being labeled by the fear and smear mongers.

"Welch to McCarthy: You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?"

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