I got the email (below in black) today from a woman I know from National Council for Jewish Women (Utah)
It had been forwarded to her from a woman that I know peripherally from the Progressive Caucus.
It really made me angry, so I responded with my most restrained commentary.
Action Alert!
Rally for Peace to Protest Israeli Military Action Against Civilians!
Jewish Voice for Peace DC, the American Arab Anti-Discrimination
Committee (ADC) and others are calling for a rally for peace in front of the
White House this Tuesday to protest U.S. support for Israeli military action
against civilians in Lebanon and Gaza.
In solidarity with that rally, Utahns for a Just Peace in the Holy Land is
calling for a “Vigil for Palestine” in Salt Lake City, Utah, Tuesday, July 18.
This vigil is open to all peace loving persons and organizations. If you know of
other groups or individuals who would like to participate, please pass this
invitation along.
WHAT: “Vigil for Palestine”
WHEN: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 from 4:00 to 5:30 pm
WHERE: Main Street between 2nd and 3rd South,Salt Lake City, Utah (across
from Sam Weller\'s)
Please bring signs and come stand with us. Pass it on!
Sorry Laura, I don't agree with "peace at any cost"- and I haven't ever seen a rally to support the cause of peace for the Israeli civilian deaths by the suicide bombers of the Islamists groups.
I don't give a damn if Jewish Americans are involved with this anti semetic bullshit, that doesn't persuade me to join in this Israel bashing.
I heard someone (Wish I had a memory for details) on NPR recently who said "Just because someone is a victim doesn't make them Right."
That applies both to Jews and Palestinians.
However, when you have a tiny Democratic State in the midst of people who are trying to wipe them out, I believe that the appropriate response is to defend.
When the hell have the People for a 'just peace' in the holy land made their presence known for the innocent civilians in Israel, and, by the way NEW YORK who were killed for the Palestinian "Cause".
I am certainly in favor of a two party state solution...but in order to have a solution, we need wise people on both sides to agree and take positive action.
I have been out of the loop a little lately, and I hadn't realized how bad things are going until yesterday.
Everyone makes it sound like Israel is the instigator, but it seems to be the other way around.
One can only hope and pray for peace from both sides.
Amen, Bob. It's truly bizarre to me that the only people in this country who seem to be supporting Israel are the hawks in Washington. Along the lines of what Demdiva said, when is the last time we had a major protest over the occupation of Kashmir, or Chechnya?
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