Got a call tonight from Matt Lyon, who is the campaign manager for Phil Riesen. I committed to walking the precincts for two nights, which should cover at least 4 precincts.
He said he is having trouble getting volunteers for the walking... It's hot, man, I can understand the reluctance!
I e -mailed a bunch of people to help. We really need to get a Good Democrat in this Legislative district! I'm going to call in some favors...or nag, nudge, guilt folks into helping.
I also think that once we get started, more people will help Phil. Meeting him in person will be motivation, as he is a great guy.
I know that this is going to be a wild season until elections...I am committed to helping Jim Winder become our next Salt Lake County Sheriff as well. What an amazing man. Good experience, I like what he plans to do for the County Sheriff's office. He is very open minded, and wants to help people rather than demonize and categorize. I haven't heard him say one negative thing about the current Sheriff. Jim just wants to talk about what will change when he wins.
He also has a fabulous campaign manager, (Deeda Seed) good choice on his part! She is very skilled in politics and I hope to learn from her.

Jim and his far...another baby is on the way.
1 comment:
First thing's first - I see you figured out how to change font colors. It looks good. I like how you talk about the Salt Lake County Sherriff with a green font, as that is one of their colors.
I wish I could volunteer to walk, but it's not possible for the forseeable future. I'm glad you are working so hard with these candidates, however. I wish I could be there at your side... perhaps after the wedding.
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