Sunday, July 30, 2006
I decided to call my all my political faux pas a "Hug Howard Dean" moment.
That was the first one...I met Howard Dean at a Democrats fundraising event and tried to hug him. After a few months I was able to laugh about it...
Yesterday I jumped up to the microphone after Pete Ashdown spoke..and yapped on about a Democracy for Utah event where Pete is speaking (in September).
I woke up after a nap feeling like I had done something really stupid when I was drunk...I didn't have the excuse of drunkenness...just the "getting caught up in the Ashdown moment" as my friend Jeff Bell called it.
Let' s see, who did I call for reasurrance? Jeff, Marcie, Katie, Wayne...and I wrote an email asking for forgivness to Pete...and I wrote a "what an jackass" note to Carrie.
Writing to Carrie was probably the defining moment in realizing that I had another Hug Howard moment.
Carrie is very interesting: she is the chairperson/President of the Democracy for Utah group. She is very bright, and has those logical left brain observations. I like talking to her and checking out our different realities. It helps me get to a more grounded place...
Thursday, July 27, 2006
I've been asked to write something my sweet adorable, handsome how can I refuse him?
There is too much going on in the world right now for me to categorize.
Death of a too young girl which symbolizes all the deaths of the too young people in the world right now- the cause of her death was from the actions of a madman, a sick person who probably was born without a soul. The deaths of the other too young people is due to the passions of people who are using the years of perceived victimhood to try and crush a tiny Democratic country which just wants to be recognized as existing.
That, along with a "nutcake" for a President, who will go down in history as one of the personally weakest but significantly destructive man who tore apart the separation of powers of this Democratic government.
Oh yeah, and my back really hurts.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
I got the email (below in black) today from a woman I know from National Council for Jewish Women (Utah)
It had been forwarded to her from a woman that I know peripherally from the Progressive Caucus.
It really made me angry, so I responded with my most restrained commentary.
Action Alert!
Rally for Peace to Protest Israeli Military Action Against Civilians!
Jewish Voice for Peace DC, the American Arab Anti-Discrimination
Committee (ADC) and others are calling for a rally for peace in front of the
White House this Tuesday to protest U.S. support for Israeli military action
against civilians in Lebanon and Gaza.
In solidarity with that rally, Utahns for a Just Peace in the Holy Land is
calling for a “Vigil for Palestine” in Salt Lake City, Utah, Tuesday, July 18.
This vigil is open to all peace loving persons and organizations. If you know of
other groups or individuals who would like to participate, please pass this
invitation along.
WHAT: “Vigil for Palestine”
WHEN: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 from 4:00 to 5:30 pm
WHERE: Main Street between 2nd and 3rd South,Salt Lake City, Utah (across
from Sam Weller\'s)
Please bring signs and come stand with us. Pass it on!
Sorry Laura, I don't agree with "peace at any cost"- and I haven't ever seen a rally to support the cause of peace for the Israeli civilian deaths by the suicide bombers of the Islamists groups.
I don't give a damn if Jewish Americans are involved with this anti semetic bullshit, that doesn't persuade me to join in this Israel bashing.
I heard someone (Wish I had a memory for details) on NPR recently who said "Just because someone is a victim doesn't make them Right."
That applies both to Jews and Palestinians.
However, when you have a tiny Democratic State in the midst of people who are trying to wipe them out, I believe that the appropriate response is to defend.
When the hell have the People for a 'just peace' in the holy land made their presence known for the innocent civilians in Israel, and, by the way NEW YORK who were killed for the Palestinian "Cause".
I am certainly in favor of a two party state solution...but in order to have a solution, we need wise people on both sides to agree and take positive action.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Got a call tonight from Matt Lyon, who is the campaign manager for Phil Riesen. I committed to walking the precincts for two nights, which should cover at least 4 precincts.
He said he is having trouble getting volunteers for the walking... It's hot, man, I can understand the reluctance!
I e -mailed a bunch of people to help. We really need to get a Good Democrat in this Legislative district! I'm going to call in some favors...or nag, nudge, guilt folks into helping.
I also think that once we get started, more people will help Phil. Meeting him in person will be motivation, as he is a great guy.
I know that this is going to be a wild season until elections...I am committed to helping Jim Winder become our next Salt Lake County Sheriff as well. What an amazing man. Good experience, I like what he plans to do for the County Sheriff's office. He is very open minded, and wants to help people rather than demonize and categorize. I haven't heard him say one negative thing about the current Sheriff. Jim just wants to talk about what will change when he wins.
He also has a fabulous campaign manager, (Deeda Seed) good choice on his part! She is very skilled in politics and I hope to learn from her.
Jim and his far...another baby is on the way.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Just a couple of pictures from the Bridal Shower this past Saturday. I had so much fun!
I was really nervous, but as I walked out the door of our house, Michael said "Remember, this is your Son's shower." It changed the whole way I was thinking about it- "Yeah, this is MY SON'S shower..." I can own it and be proud to be there.
I made some great games (The picture on the left is of Dan between two posters of Pin the Kiss on the Groom.)
The other photo is Dan and Jenny as she opens gifts.
This event reassured me that the wedding will be FABULOUS.
I liked so many of thepeople who were there, shock and surprise. (Remember, Sheryl, people you like will have friends that you like...)
And, of course, my daughter in law, Judy was there. She is amazing. I admire her so much. Pretty, smart, funny, and a person with whom I would feel perfectly safe in an emergency.
More photos to be posted of the event later this week.
Friday, July 14, 2006
To the editor, (Salt Lake Tribune)
I am saddened that Mr. Kelsey in his letter of July 14th called for President Bush to "do away with Israel completely, and give that land back to its rightful owners." To follw this line of reasoning, we, as Americans, after forming the land of the United States, should give the country back to its rightful owners, the Native Americans. This logic certainly applies after our unfounded war on a soverign nation and declared "war on terrorism".
The State of Israel was legitimately voted into legal existance in 1948. The response by the Arab leaders surrounding this tiny Democratic state was to continue the violence and demand that their people wipe out the State of Israel and force all the Jews into the sea.
The Hamas Consititution refuses to recognize Israel as a legitimate State and exhorts its followers to kill all Jews throughout the world. Both Hezbollah and Hamas have demonstrated again and again that they are terrorists.
Where is Mr. Kelsey's sympathy for the citizens and civilians of Israel when they are bombed in Pizza parlors, at Bar Mitzvah celebrations, and in nightclubs where teens congregate?
I am sorry that his anger towards the tragedy in the Middle East brings forth such a simplistic response.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Dan gave me good advice tonight about one of the guests at Jenny's wedding shower. I told him that I was nervous about this other woman. She is mean to me, and no matter what I do, she will be catty and vicious, as I have learned from past experience. I think the chip on her shoulder is bigger than her husbands.
Dan said, "don't try and be her friend, don't be funny, she will just misunderstand and be defensive."
Smart son.
Now I have to practice being reserved to her, and be myself with the other guests.
Maybe I can channel Jackie Kennedy on Saturday.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Just found the above site through commentary on the Huffington Report.
Check it out, it is thoughtful and intelligent. (thanks to Utah Policy Daily which gives out various blog spots to visit, both left and right and center)
Just found the above site through commentary on the Huffington Report.
Check it out, it is thoughtful and intelligent. (thanks to Utah Policy Daily which gives out various blog spots to visit, both left and right and center)
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Once again I am compelled to put a wish out to the universe and help a decent honest Mr. Smith goes to Washington (before your time) Brilliant Businessman, who is sincere about wanting to get transparancy and ethics back to government. If Pete Ashdown weren't so serious and sincere, he wouldn't have gotten as far as he has. He is determined to take only individual contributions, along the lines of my hero, Howard Dean. Pete also is well versed in the internet and communication through this media.
An opportunity for him to get more donations through individual donations through a site sponsored by Barbara Boxer has been brought to our attention. I would like all my friends and relatives to vote for Pete. I have posted a request on Drinking Liberally, and Democracy for Utah.
More ideas are coming as I lie in bed unable to sleep, dreaming of miricles.
Please go to this site and vote for Pete...forward it to as many people as you can. Ask them to vote. His political stands can be found on his wedpage and wiki.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Happy Families!
I spent some time yesterday going through those old boxes of photos (from the pre digital era) for Dan and Jenny. They're going to use some childhood pictures of each other for guests to see at the wedding.
Being reminded of the good and not so good past...Dan and Josh have both changed so much, but their presentation in the photos seems to have themes for each of them. Not sure how to define it yet, but I will.
One thing I did was to toss photos: People I don't recognize any more; "places" that look better in real life or in postcards; pictures of myself that were unbelievablely unattractive. It was a physical "delete".
No reason to keep reminders of when I looked (to myself) gross, poorly dressed, with big ugly hair. Also, I am so glad I am no longer holding on to the "redhead". My natural color as a child was a blondish-red, then it became darker and more like Josh's beard; red highlights in the sun. I like myself better now.
I also liked pictures of me and Allen and the boys when they were little. Some of those times were good, and I want to remember them.
I'm going to buy an inexpensive scanner so I can keep them on the computer and on disk.
Monday, July 03, 2006
What a great contrast to yesterday's morning activities!
Tonight I was part of a group of Phil Riesen supporters who showed up to assist him in photos/group shots for his campaign literature. He is a very engaging man, and has clearly done much thinking about the issues which are important to him as a candidate, as well as to the constituants in District 36.
As the photographer gave directions to the participants as well as to Phil on where to look, ("look towards the left!" how to stand, "lean right and don't fall!"fill in the blank spots in the audience "folks, get in closer over here!" ) Phil continued to answer the serious questions being asked. This is a man we can rally around, and who will appeal to the Democrats,Republicans and "unaffiliated" voters in the district in which I live.
This is pretty exciting for me. I think we can really do some "good" as we work towards getting Phil elected.
The process and work in the campaign are being managed by Matt Lyon, who is doing a magnificent job.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
So this is how I feel now that the day is over...riding in two parades with angry, bickering couple (never d that again..never never)
going home and getting ready for the Young Dems picnic at the park...that was good. Babysiting the two kids. Have Aaron introduced as my step son and then have him be defensive when I am mistaken for his "real mom". Thats always a loving accepting experience which happens at least twice a year. Then being exhausted from watching Nate and Samson. Samson not being able to soothe himself and crying forever. Finally got him down at about 11:00 p.m. just when mom got home.
Then the tuxedo fiasco. More about that tomorrow.
Weddings always send families into stress mode. I'm angry and stressed about the way this is being planned. But say the mantra "People do the best they can, and this is not my movie..."
Sleep now.
going home and getting ready for the Young Dems picnic at the park...that was good. Babysiting the two kids. Have Aaron introduced as my step son and then have him be defensive when I am mistaken for his "real mom". Thats always a loving accepting experience which happens at least twice a year. Then being exhausted from watching Nate and Samson. Samson not being able to soothe himself and crying forever. Finally got him down at about 11:00 p.m. just when mom got home.
Then the tuxedo fiasco. More about that tomorrow.
Weddings always send families into stress mode. I'm angry and stressed about the way this is being planned. But say the mantra "People do the best they can, and this is not my movie..."
Sleep now.
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