Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Ah, Paris!

I'm leaving for Paris with Mikey on Thursday morning. Katie asked me why I was not demonstrating more "excitement"

I was thinking about that this morning and came up with "huh, I've had a lot of stress in my life lately.."

First the planning for Dan and Jenny's wedding. That was full of situations where I got to make myself nuts.

The dress, the make up the weight, the difference between our families, fear about Jan and Bill not liking me because I wasn't putting on the perfect affair, the food at the groom's dinner, the bachelor party helping Josh, the money, picking a song for the mom-groom dance, and the day itself.. and the obligatory feeling sorry for myself.

Then the Democrats. The election season, the anger, the joy, the gossip, the time spent, the day and the night, and the time put in.

The aftermath.

My business, money, insurance companies, Gaylynn getting a part time job.

Our new car which I still can't figure out...it is like driving a computer that has a language I can't speak.

Flying on an airplane for 8 hours or so. Never being compfortable flying. Getting an ipod and learning how to download it. Packing. Wondering what I can bring on the plane. Trying to find perfect boots in which to walk. (I gave up and decided to get some in Paris if they exist).

Flying. Scared of flying. Knowing that with my luck we will be sitting in front of a brat kid with a mother who hasn't brought any toys or snacks. The supreme discomfort of trying to take a nap on a plane seat with no leg room and I'm only 5'4" so what about that poor 6' tall guy? Screw him, that's his problem.


Trying to fit in every appointment thing I can before I leave. Lunch with friends, getting a crown on my tooth, getting that last minute medication. The nagging little fear that if my room isn't clean before we go and we die on the plane then my kids will have to sort everything out. I think I'll go and throw some incriminating things away right now, in fact.

Not having the "right clothes" for our trip...
...then of course I realize that thought is exactly what my mom always says so I'm deleting that particular anxiety RIGHT NOW.
People never notice what you wear unless you are the presiden'ts wife and all I remember about Laura is that she wears lots of pant suits and has big thighs.


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Letter to my friend, Jill

Dear Jill,

Pete didn't win, and after the "victory" party last night, I was elated about a female speaker of the house, it's about damned time and it is too bad that it has to be a *story* if you catch my meaning...and we won the sheriff's race, and my legislative race (Phil Riesen) and a couple of Senate seats (State House)- we now have three openly gay legislators! And who knows how many in the closet???

Then I saw Pete and his wife, after he left the ballroom and his final speech and I broke down.

Okay, I was tired from working all fucking day on the get out the vote effort, I had thrown up, as I told you, and I wanted to be cute in front of all the other democrats..and Pete is such a mensch, and so loveable and genuine...so I started to cry. He held out his hand and said "It was so good to get to know you."

And I said "stop...you had me at 'I'm going to run for Senate..'."


For Pete Ashdown

Dear Pete,
I want you and your family to know that I believe in you. Whatever you choose to do next, please let me know so I can be a part of achieving the goals you stated during your campaign.

Thousands of people in this State were touched by you and your message. You are truly an ethical, kind and intelligent man. I feel blessed to have meet you and hope to keep a relationship with you and to be a part of spreading the success of your goals.

There is a Jewish concept called "Tikun Olam" which roughly translated means "the repair of the world". I believe that you are a part of this.

With love and peace,

Sheryl Ginsberg