Tonight we were invited to a person's home for Shabbat/Rosh Hashanna dinner.
Wonderful food, a little religiousness, good people, great home, delightful host and hostess... of the guests is so...raises the hairs on the back of my neck and makes me feel like I want to punch him in the face all at once. I would like to know why I feel this way. Does he remind me of someone? Is he a "part of my own personality, the dark side of myself"??
Or maybe he just pisses me off for no reason.
I'm going to think about this for a while. Every time I see this guy I feel the same way, violated and ignored at the same time.
Happy New Year, anyway...
Friday, September 22, 2006
..."you're my only hope.."
My "about me" paragraph caught my eye today as I signed in, and I thought hmmm, where in my life am I learning through a "trasference" experience?
As I sat with Josh today in Instacare, he is feeling like sandpaper throat and can't sleep, I suddenly remembered Ralph DiPrizito, my old friend from High School.
He was lots of fun, but sort of a troubled soul. Artistic, sensitive, active in Student Body activities. He had a gay uncle, and I always suspected Ralph of being in the closet himself. Mom was Jewish, Dad was Italian.
The last time I saw him, he came to my house limping, using a cane. He was recovering from knee surgery and was extremely angry with me. I had not "been there" for him in his opinion. I was confused and angry myself. What did he mean? What was I supposed to do? I didn't get it at all.
Now, 40 years later, I realized what a crappy friend I had been to him. He was right. I didn't go to visit him, I didn't call him during his hospital stay. I was insensitive to his needs. In my defense, I didn't know that one did those things for friends. Poor social skills training...
If I could find Ralph and appologise to him, I would. Perhaps, wherever he is right now, he feels a mending in "the Force" and knows that I am sorry.
As I sat with Josh today in Instacare, he is feeling like sandpaper throat and can't sleep, I suddenly remembered Ralph DiPrizito, my old friend from High School.
He was lots of fun, but sort of a troubled soul. Artistic, sensitive, active in Student Body activities. He had a gay uncle, and I always suspected Ralph of being in the closet himself. Mom was Jewish, Dad was Italian.
The last time I saw him, he came to my house limping, using a cane. He was recovering from knee surgery and was extremely angry with me. I had not "been there" for him in his opinion. I was confused and angry myself. What did he mean? What was I supposed to do? I didn't get it at all.
Now, 40 years later, I realized what a crappy friend I had been to him. He was right. I didn't go to visit him, I didn't call him during his hospital stay. I was insensitive to his needs. In my defense, I didn't know that one did those things for friends. Poor social skills training...
If I could find Ralph and appologise to him, I would. Perhaps, wherever he is right now, he feels a mending in "the Force" and knows that I am sorry.

Thursday, September 21, 2006
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Congratulations, Dad, it's a new baby blogger!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
"These signs are posted illegally"

I notice that I am getting less upset when I see illegal signs posted by REPUBLICANS all over Wasatch Blvd and the freeway chainlink fences through out the Valley. the sight just reinforces the validity of my belief that R's are sleazier than D's.
Deeda told me on Saturday that we (involved in campaigns) are the only ones who really care and that signs are mostly for name recognition.
Shaun's idea was to post a huge sign on each venue that says "These signs are posted illegally."
Monday, September 11, 2006
Kaddish for 9/11

A poem written by Hannah Senesh,
(Eili, Eili,shelo yigamer l'olam,Hachol v'hayam,rishrush shel hamayim,B'rak hashamayim, t'filat ha-adam.)
Oh Lord, my God, I pray that these things shall never end:
The sand and the sea, the rush of the waters,
The crash of the heavens,
the prayer of Man.
There are stars whose radiance is visible on earth
though they have long been extinct.
There are people whose brilliance continues to light the world
though they are no longer among the living.
These lights are particularly bright when the night is dark.
They light the way for mankind.
(from the writing of Hannah Senesh)
Friday, September 08, 2006
Politics and Hot Jews

Tomorrow afternoon is the big ole' Legislative 36 get together that I am sponsoring.
The good stuff...It will be over this time tomorrow night.
I am trying which is better than sitting around and complaining.
I love some of the people with a deep abiding respect.
The bad house has some trashy aspects, some left over from the micro burst, so we look like poor white trash.
Only 12 people have responded with a "yes".
Today I was so upset that I wanted to move to somewhere Boston. I was angry about a certain person who works for the Democratic Party who causes a lot of stress to other people, but who acts like a victim him/herself. I raged about the situations that I know about revolving around this person and Michael just listened and was mildly amused, but kind enough to listen.
So we went out for Mexican food at a really excellent place that has fabulous food and adorable waiters. Not like at Trios but adorable in a more human, less "GQ" sense.
(Cancun, I highly recommend it.)
Then to get my blood pressure up to dangerous levels I watched Bill Mahr.
Thank goodness "BiBi" Netanyahu was one of the interviewees. He is so articulate and handsome and charming. For a right wing guy, he is tres intellegent. And makes being Jewish seem somehow more than okay. I despise how a woody (may he rot in hell) allen is depicted as a typical Jew, when you have hotties like Netanyahu to use as a stereotype.
Or Natalie Portman.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006
politics or junior high?

Being a relative newbie to the higher ranks of politics, at least higher than the just walk for a candidate and make phone calls getting out the vote, I am becoming amazed at the amount of beyatches that exist in the upper echelons.
I shouldn't be surprised, just because I see my love of politics as a "calling" doesn't mean that others are in it for the same reasons.
(I always was a bit naive...I remember when I told a teacher that Maxine Braham was a natural blond when I was in High School. I didn't realize that being Naturally Beautiful and Blond could be achieved artificially. Silly Maxine, she complained to me one time that just because she was beautiful people thought she was stuck up instead of shy. My heart still goes out to her...)
So, the gossip, the put on a happy face in front of someone you despise, being unwilling to tell the slacker to get the fuck out of the way...this occurs in my dream setting of the Democratic Party in Utah.
And even th0ugh Donald Trump fired his adoring Caroline, we could use a little of his kick ass here.

Sunday, September 03, 2006
"Working Out"

Yesterday Michael and I joined a gym together! Now we have a hobby that doesn't involve spending money. Except for the massages and personal trainer I plan to hire.
I have gone to two classes so far. He likes to do the "step" classes, and I am inclined towards the "yoga" and "Pilates" [or Pilot, as he called it when looking for me yesterday. ]
It is really rough to attempt getting back to strength and flexibility. I was sweating in both classes and trying to remind myself that I am not as young as I was when I first began this bodywork.
I liked the Yoga teacher, Lucy. She worked us hard, but was also giving compliments as she walked around the room. Her touch is very gentle.
She is going to do a 7:00 a.m. class on Wednesdays and I think I might try and go for that. Or not. I am not sure my alarm has a 6:00 a.m. setting.
Note to self:
Bring a larger towel with me next time I go to the gym. (I'm not feeling really comfortable walking around naked like the woman I saw today, and the towels they have don't fit around me (Yet)
Friday, September 01, 2006
Wednesday's Demonstration and McCarthy "Have you no sense of decency, sir?"
I decided to attend the rally on Wednesday after reading the headlines in the Salt Lake Tribune. Once again "protesters" were being labeled as "anti Americans". Those who voice their disagreement with the Presidents policy on the war are "aiding and abetting the enemy".
In my understanding of the protest, the message includes protesting against the President's policies of "Heckofajob", the failing economy, the lies, and the blind indifference to the poor. "It's not just the war, stupid"; to paraphrase James Carville.
I don’t have the time right now to go into detail, but here are some of my impressions:
Lots of varied reasons for people to be there; lots of Veterans who don’t glamorize war.
Walking with Stuart, who was holding a Veteran for Peace sign.
Several people came up to him during the day to thank him for his service to our country.
Being against the war and For the soldier.
Kissing the Marine in Full Dress Uniform protesting the Bush Administration and the Bush war.
Lots of young people
Lots of well dressed people.Rocky, the crowd in the palm of his hands for the first half hour...“We want the truth”!
Honking and Waving in support by people in Subarus, Volvos and Priuses.
Walking up State Street, turning around and seeing the street filled with people.
Knowing that the rest of the world won’t be fooled by the neo-red baiters who say that all these thousands of people are Al Quaida supporters...even in the reddest of red States.
That was the best part- the brave people who showed up to tell the truth, at the cost of being labeled by the fear and smear mongers.

"Welch to McCarthy: You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?"
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